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Mallorca join Hummels.

Mallorca, a Spanish league club is another team trying to approach former Dortmund defender Mats Hummels to join the team this summer. ‘Mallorca Saitung’, a Spanish media outlet, reported on Monday that. Mallorca is another club joining the race to sign Mats Hummels. The 35-year-old

6 factors that trigger migraine

Write down the 6 factors that trigger migraine and cause severe pain. Unilateral headache Or as we call it migraine, there are factors that trigger migraines. That differs for each person, but there are 6 main factors that are similar, which are enough to be a guide for

How to eat to reduce “high blood pressure”?

high blood pressure It is often a common disease of people who are getting older. Due to increasing age Food that cannot be eaten to your heart’s content like in the past Reduced energy metabolism from daily activities. and various chronic diseases, but if you can adjust your eating habits It helps

PM 2.5 dust is dangerous.

Unfortunately, the pollution of air with small particulate matter, or PM 2.5, has raised concerns about the negative impact of air quality on several health conditions, including respiratory illness, heart health, and allergic symptoms affecting the eyes and nasal passages Did you know that small dust

4 ways to take care of your health from touch

Take care of your health with a simple touch. There are many ways to take care of your health. Today Cheewajit would like to present another way to make you healthy. with a simple method like a touch Especially if anyone likes Skin ship, I can tell you will

Choose the right food that is suitable for diabetes.

Choose the right food that is suitable for diabetes. Diabetes is a condition in which our body has low blood sugar levels. Higher than normal, which food can affect the severity of diabetes. Everything that you eat can cultivated. It will have a direct impact, so choosing the right

How to flush out toxins and restore balance to the body.

How to flush out toxins and restore balance to the body. health care It’s something that everyone should very much do, such as detoxification that will help eliminate the toxins circulating within our body so that they can disappear. Therefore, we will recommend ways to detoxify and restore